
Vertices of triangle are ( 3,4),(5cos@,5sin@)and (5sin@,-5cos@,) where @ belongs to r .locus of its orthocentre is

Vertices of triangle are ( 3,4),(5cos@,5sin@)and (5sin@,-5cos@,) where @ belongs to r .locus of its orthocentre is


1 Answers

1698 Points
9 years ago
its quite easy but long also
as cordinates of all vertices are given u can find eq of line pasising through vertex and perpendicular to base as its slope will be negative reciprocal of the base.
so find only two lines and then their point of intersection will be orthocentre
now put x cordinate h nad y cordinate k
then elimimate @ and u will be get locus
approve if useful

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