
A (2, 2, 2) is translated 2 unit along positive x- axis. Let this point be B. Now, B is translated 4 units along the negative y – axis. Let this point be C. Now, C is rotated through an angle of 120 ° in plane parallel to xy plane to reach point D. Then the coordinate of point D is: (Here ω is imaginary cube root of unity.) (4, -2 ω, -2 ω) (4 ω, -2 ω, 2) (2 ω, 4 ω, , 2) (ω, -4 ω, 2)

A (2, 2, 2) is translated 2 unit along positive x- axis. Let this point be B. Now, B is translated 4 units along the negative y – axis. Let this point be C. Now, C is rotated through an angle of 120° in plane parallel to xy plane to reach point D. Then the coordinate of point D is: (Here ω is imaginary cube root of unity.)

  1. (4, -2 ω, -2 ω)

  2. (4 ω, -2 ω, 2)

  3. (2 ω, 4 ω, , 2)

  4. (ω, -4 ω, 2)


1 Answers

Saurabh Koranglekar
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4 years ago
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