
we know that the product of slopes of perpendicular lines is -1, and we also know that X-axis and Y-axis are perpendicular to eachother.then,why the product of slopes of X-axis and Y-axis isnt -1

we know that the product of slopes of perpendicular lines is -1, and we also know that X-axis and Y-axis are perpendicular to eachother.then,why the product of slopes of X-axis and Y-axis  isnt -1

Grade:12th Pass

5 Answers

ankitesh gupta
63 Points
11 years ago

That''s becoz the slopes the lines are measured with respect to x axis and the slope of the x and y axis with respect to x axis is 0 and not defined

vivek kumar
57 Points
11 years ago

well.thats the wrong approach to it

chaitanya varna
33 Points
11 years ago

Well! thn in which way should we approach.....,

vivek kumar
57 Points
11 years ago

u have considered x and y as the coordinate axis.

if u mmultiply the slopes u get infinity *o form.

which in limiting conditions comes out to be -1

chaitanya varna
33 Points
11 years ago

how can infinity in  any condition(limited) become -1,if then what are the limiting conditions ?

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