
what is line and what is mean by direction cosine of the line and what does direction cosine reprsent??

what is line and what  is mean by direction cosine of the line and what does direction cosine reprsent??



1 Answers

Godfrey Classic Prince
633 Points
12 years ago

Dear shamil Khan,

A line is a straight one-dimensional figure having no thickness and extending infinitely in both directions. A line is sometimes called a straight line or, more archaically, a right line , to emphasize that it has no "wiggles" anywhere along its length. 

If a straight line makes angles α , β and γ with x-axis , y-axis and z- axis respectively,then cosα ,cosβ ,cosγ are called direction cosines of the straight line.

Direction cosines are generallydenoted by l , m , n.If O be origin and P is a point whose co-ordinates are ( x , y , z ),then x = lr , y = mr , z = nr , where l , m , n are direction cosines of OP.


Hope this helped you immensely..

All the Very Best & Good Luck to you..



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