
if a line parallel to x axis, but not identical to it, cuts the graph of the curve y=x-1/(x-2)(x-3), at x=a and x=b. then evaluate (a-b)(b-1)............ plzzzz help............ show each and every step..............

if a line parallel to x axis, but not identical to it, cuts the graph of the curve y=x-1/(x-2)(x-3), at x=a and x=b. then evaluate

(a-b)(b-1)............     plzzzz help............    show each and every step..............

Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

Chetan Mandayam Nayakar
312 Points
13 years ago

let the line be y=k, (x-1)=k(x-2)(x-3),solve this equation in x and and find a and b in terms of k,and you will easily obtain the answer.

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