
Find the range f(x) = sin[x] where x belongs to [-pi/4,pi,4] In solution the actual value of pi 3.14 is taken and then the calculation is performed instead of using pi as a radian measure or converting pi to degree measure and the answer obtained by this method is quite correct. I don't get this please help urgently it's my test today

Find the range f(x) = sin[x] where x belongs to [-pi/4,pi,4]
In solution the actual value of pi 3.14 is taken and then the calculation is performed instead of using pi as a radian measure or converting pi to degree measure and the answer obtained by this method is quite correct. I don't get this please help urgently it's my test today


1 Answers

Saurabh Koranglekar
askIITians Faculty 10335 Points
4 years ago

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