
Consider the infinite sequence {n1/n } i.e. 1 , 21/2 , 31/3 . . . . .Find the largest term in this sequence(if it exists).

Consider the infinite sequence {n1/n } i.e. 1 , 21/2 , 31/3 . . . . .Find the largest term in this sequence(if it exists).


1 Answers

bharat bajaj IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 122 Points
10 years ago
nth term of the sequence is given by : (10n + 1)/n for n>1
Differentiate it : 0 - 1/n^2
It is always less than 0. Hence, it is decreasing always.
Hence, the largest term is 21/2.
Bharat Bajaj
askiitians faculty
IIT Delhi

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