
a)3b)6c)12d)0 The smallest positive integral value of n for which {1 + i sqrt(3)} ^ n/2 is positive is : Clearly, {1 + i sqrt(3)} ^ n/2 = (-2)^n/2 * (w)^n/2 therefore, if n=6 then it becomes (-2)^3 which would result in a negative number not positive. Please explain how 6 is the answer. I think 12 will be the answer.

a)3b)6c)12d)0 The smallest positive integral value of n for which {1 + i sqrt(3)} ^ n/2 is positive is :
Clearly, {1 + i sqrt(3)} ^ n/2 = (-2)^n/2 * (w)^n/2 
 therefore, if n=6 then it  becomes (-2)^3 which would result in a negative number not positive. Please explain how 6 is the answer. I think 12 will be the answer.


1 Answers

Deepak Kumar Shringi
askIITians Faculty 4404 Points
5 years ago
no w is not equal to 1+i sqrt3
it contains always a negative sign with 1 whether its w or w^2

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