
no. of positive integral solution of x^4 - y^4 = 3789108 a) 0 b) 1 c) 2 d) 4

no. of positive integral solution of   x^4 - y^4  = 3789108

a) 0

b) 1

c) 2

d) 4


1 Answers

mycroft holmes
272 Points
15 years ago

Both x and y are even or both x and y are odd (i.e. x and y are of the same parity)


If, both x and y are odd, then since every odd square is of the form 8k+1, LHS is divisible by 8, whereas RHS is not.


If both x and y are even, then LHS is divisible by 16, whereas we have already seen that RHS is not divisible by 8 and hence not divisible by 16 too.

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