
Let f(x) = ((x-3)(x+2)(x+5))/((x+1)(x-7)). Find the intervals where f(x) is positive or negative. i found out the answer in your website but my teacher told me that it was wrong can u please tell me another method

Let f(x) = ((x-3)(x+2)(x+5))/((x+1)(x-7)). Find the intervals where f(x) is positive or negative. i found out the answer in your website but my teacher told me that it was wrong can u please tell me another method


5 Answers

Amit Bhatnagar
32 Points
13 years ago

it will be +ve in (-1,7)U(7,+∞)

and -ve in (-∞,-1)

Surbhi Kumari
29 Points
13 years ago

the answer or the interval is


Surbhi Kumari
29 Points
13 years ago

to my knowlegde that should be the right answer.if it is not then can u justify or tell me ur answer

neha aggarwal
4 Points
13 years ago
neha aggarwal
4 Points
13 years ago

and plzzzz i asked for a method not answer everyone has answers for their problems not solution ...booo hhuuuu

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