
(c) The safety limit of a crane is known to be 32 tons. The mean weight and the standard deviation of a large number of iron rods are 0.3 ton and 0.2 ton respectively. 100 rods are lifted at a time. Find the probability of an accident.

(c) The safety limit of a crane is known to be 32 tons. The mean weight and the standard
deviation of a large number of iron rods are 0.3 ton and 0.2 ton respectively. 100 rods
are lifted at a time. Find the probability of an accident.


1 Answers

askIITians Faculty 74 Points
10 years ago
Hello student,
Please find the answer to your question below
GivenThe safety limit of a crane is known to be 32 tons. The mean weight and the standard deviation of a large number of iron rods are 0.3 ton and 0.2 ton respectively. 100 rods are lifted at a time.
standard deviation=0.2/sqrt(100)=0.02
So standardized value of sample mean 0.32 is =0.32-0.3/0.02=1
Probability that x>0.32 is are of standard normal curve to the right of ordinate at z=1 which is 0.1587

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