
find the domain of: sqrt.(cos(sin x)) + arc. sin {(1+x 2 ) / ( 2x)}

find the domain of:

sqrt.(cos(sin x))  +    arc. sin  {(1+x2)  /   (2x)}


1 Answers

AJIT AskiitiansExpert-IITD
68 Points
14 years ago

Dear kapil ,

for addition find the domians of both the terms and intersect them to get the final domain .

here first term has doamin R as al values of x are possible. for second term ,

1+x/ 2x  must lie between -1 and 1 . 

               1 ≥   1+x/ 2x ≥  -1     solving will get , R - { 0}.  awhich is also the final answer.


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