
If p,s>0 and q,r s,q>r)\ (A)Imaginary (B)Real and equal (C)Real and distinct (D)Irrational

If p,s>0 and q,r<0 then the roots of the equation (s+q)x^2 + (p+q)x +p-r=0 are (here p>s,q>r)\

(A)Imaginary                          (B)Real and equal

(C)Real and distinct                 (D)Irrational


2 Answers

dvm srikant
16 Points
14 years ago

its of imaginary

mycroft holmes
272 Points
14 years ago

The problem seems to be inconclusive. Suppose s+q<0 then both roots are real


If s+q>0, then by having r of large magnitude you can have imaginary roots

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