
Number of lines in the paschen series when electron jumps from n=1 to n=4 in H atom is Could u plz explain me what is relation bw paschen (whose n=3) and given n 1 and 4

Number of lines in the paschen series when electron jumps from n=1 to n=4 in H atom is Could u plz explain me what is relation bw paschen (whose n=3) and given n 1 and 4


1 Answers

askIITians Faculty 2095 Points
5 years ago
Dear student,

Paschen lines are those that are emitted by transition of electron to n=3 shell from any higher shell.

In the case of jump from n=1 to n=4, the electron would further dexcite from n=4 to lower levels. The only possible electronic transition to n=3 is through the transition4\rightarrow 3.
Hence the answer is- 1 line in paschen series.

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