Flag AIPMT> An electric dipole is placed in non unifo...
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An electric dipole is placed in non uniform electric field. Then it experiences?  
•no torque no force
•force may be non zero
• both may be non zero

Shubham , 5 Years ago
Grade 12th pass
anser 1 Answers

Last Activity: 5 Years ago

When a dipole is placed in a uniform electric field and dipole vector direction is not parallel to field direction, each chargs of dipole experiences a force. Magnitude of the two forces are equal but in opposite direction.These equal and unlike parallel forces give rise to a couple. This couple gives a torque to dipole, which rotaes the dipole and makes it to align in the direction of field. Once the dipole is aligned in the direction of field, torque vanishes( r x Fwill be zero, if r and F are in same direction ). Once the dipole is aligned to electric field, the net force will be zero because they are in opposite direction. Hence in uniform field, dipole experiences only torque.
When a dipole is placed in non-uniform field, there will be a torque as explained above. But once the dipole is aligned to field direction, the forces acting on the charges are are not same. Hence there will be a net force acting on the dipole in the direction of increasing field. Hence in non-uniform field, electric dipole expereinces both torque and force

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