
A disc in which several grooves are cut along the chord drown from the point `A` ( as shown as in the attachment ๐Ÿ“Ž) is arranged in a vertical plane, several particles starts slipping from `A` along the grooves simultaneously. Assuming friction and resistance negligible, the time taken in reaching the edge of disc will be :----(explain on the condition of groove AD, AC, AB, AE, AF and also explain about your option )..... (1) Maximum in groove AB (2) Maximum in groove AD (3) Same in all groove (4) According to the height of B, C, D, E, F

A disc in which several grooves are cut along the chord drown from the point `A` ( as shown as in the attachment ๐Ÿ“Ž) is arranged in a vertical plane, several particles starts slipping from `A` along the grooves simultaneously. Assuming friction and resistance negligible, the time taken in reaching the edge of disc will be :----(explain on the condition of groove AD, AC, AB, AE, AF and also explain about your option )..... (1) Maximum in groove AB (2) Maximum in groove AD (3) Same in all groove (4) According to the height of B, C, D, E, F

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Grade:12th pass

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