
how to prepare for g.k part for 2016 aiims exam? please send me preparation tips

how to prepare for g.k part for 2016 aiims exam?
please send me preparation tips

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

Nishant Vora IIT Patna
askIITians Faculty 2467 Points
8 years ago
Dear student,

Read newspaper for current affairs and also read mcqs from some good books...
lke names of authors, books, scientists, ministry, countries and capitals, places in world, dates for various days lke recent we had earth day..

3773 Points
8 years ago
  1. read newspaper a news show daily
  2. sites like sscadda have gk capsules
  3. on  a particular day before exam read current topics from internet
  4. prefer sites like gkdaily,sscadda etc.
  5. thanks and approve my answer

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