
i am getting 157/360 in aieee 2011. will i be able to get NIT kurukshetra or allhabad. what are the chance for DCE. i belong to delhi

i am getting 157/360 in aieee 2011. will i be able to get NIT kurukshetra or allhabad. what are the chance for DCE. i belong to delhi


2 Answers

Ashwin Sinha
520 Points
13 years ago
Dear Tushar, U can get NIT Srinagar or any other lower NIT. Not DCE also!!!!!! U can easily try for any IIIT!!!!! Hope for d best!!!!!! Good Luck!!!!!!!! Plz. approve by clicking 'Yes' given below!!!!!!! Plz. Plz. Plz.!!!!!!!!!
Jitender Singh
32 Points
13 years ago
dude according to askiitians and resonance your rank would be approx in between 17k to 20k so with that you can get nit kurukshetra but in lower branches like chemical or can take even a gud branch in nit silchar in 3rd or 4rt round of councelling nit silchar is second or third best in terms of placement among all nits ,click on yes if you agree

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