
Respected sir, Good noon sir i was born on 11-08-1986 and i am in the final year of diploma in computer eng. from nirma university . i had left my studies in between when i was doing diploma(b'coz of financial problem), and after few years i continued it now i want to appear in aieee exams . i want to know that can i appear in this exam or not , i haven't filled any form of the same or there is any other way to get addmission in courses???please guide me what i should do now.

Respected sir,

                   Good noon

sir i was born on 11-08-1986 and i am in the final year of diploma in computer eng. from nirma university . i had left my studies in between when i was doing diploma(b'coz of financial problem), and after few years i continued it now i want to appear in aieee exams . i want to know that can i appear in this exam or not , i haven't filled any form of the same or there is any other way to get addmission in courses???please guide me what i should do now.



1 Answers

878 Points
13 years ago

Dear student,

I am sorry you cannot appear now in IIT as you can appear immediateky after 12th and next consecutive year only...

Please feel free to ask your queries here. We are all IITians and here to help you in your IIT JEE preparation.

All the best.

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Sagar Singh

B.Tech, IIT Delhi

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