
Sir, m gettin metallurgy in NIFFT ranchi thru my aieee rank( AIR 23,378 n state rank 665). m frm GEN categiry.. i wud lyk to noe bout d prospect of dis course n institue??? do i hav chances of gettin NIT dgp in ny stream xcept BIO-tech..

m gettin metallurgy in NIFFT ranchi thru my aieee rank( AIR 23,378 n state rank 665). m frm GEN categiry..
i wud lyk to noe bout d prospect of dis course n institue???
do i hav chances of gettin NIT dgp in ny stream xcept BIO-tech..

Grade:Upto college level

1 Answers

AskiitianExpert Shine
10 Points
15 years ago


Metallurgical engineering has a wide scope because it is a specialization field, basically metallurgy is science and technology of metals and materials,after four year you may get excellent job or you may go further for M.S or M.TECH,basically metallurgy has three field which are physical metallurgy,extractive metallurgy and mechanical metallurgy, the main benefit of this branch is that very few seats available in the india which are 600.. So excellent and bright future in metallurgy..

Getting NIT Dgp would be a difficult task .The average package sfor NIFFT is

Average Package Received (cost to Company)

  • ADC :-        Rs. 1.8  Lakhs

  • B. Tech :-   Rs  3.5  Lakhs

  • M. Tech :-   Rs. 3.5  Lakhs

To get info on the placement records for the NIFFT ranchi , please follow .


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