
Dear askiitians expert, Iam from Tamilnadu and belong to open category. AIR OVERALL :64094 CATEGORY :44098 STATE RANK OVERALL :1067 OPEN CATEGORY :667 I hav nt been alloted seat in 1st round Will I get a seat in NIT TRichy with my rank or in NIT puducherry? In which round and in which branch. The links given by u point to AIR. I wan to know my chance with my state rank.Also tell me about the branch in which I may get admitted thank you

Dear askiitians expert, Iam from Tamilnadu and belong to open category. AIR OVERALL :64094 CATEGORY :44098 STATE RANK OVERALL :1067 OPEN CATEGORY :667 I hav nt been alloted seat in 1st round Will I get a seat in NIT TRichy with my rank or in NIT puducherry? In which round and in which branch. The links given by u point to AIR. I wan to know my chance with my state rank.Also tell me about the branch in which I may get admitted thank you


1 Answers

Badiuddin askIITians.ismu Expert
148 Points
14 years ago

Dear priya

With this rank ,you will not get NIT trichy.

But you may get NIT punduchery in 5th or in higher councelling.

given link also include the home state quota opening and closing rank.

but in  every quota you must compair opening and closing rank with your ALL India rank.

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