
i had got 204 marks and my rank is 6947 overall and catagory 1602 on b-arch what are teh cahnces for geting admision in top colages

i had got 204 marks and my rank is 6947 overall and catagory 1602 on b-arch

what are teh cahnces for geting admision in top colages


1 Answers

Kishore IIT Bombay
48 Points
14 years ago

Dear Mohammed Nihad,

                                    first of all congrats for good rank,actually the information is incomplete you said rank is 6947 and that is which rank IIT or AIEEE..ok if it is AIEEE then is it AIR or State rank bcoz for getting gud branch in NIT's state rank shd be good..If ur rank 6947 is All india rank then ur stated rank may also e a good and also the state u have to mention bcoz the states exspcially rajasthan and andhra pradesh though the state rank is good also they dont get top branch in good if u dont belong to those two states and ur rank is AIR then u r having a fair chances of getting in top college with good branch..and ur b-arch rank is damn good and it is also same AIR or state rank and which state u belong to..any how ur rank is very good  and u r having a very good chance in top college...

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