
Which type of WBCs are called granulocytes and why?

Which type of WBCs are called granulocytes and why?

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

Pawan Prajapati
askIITians Faculty 60787 Points
2 years ago
Our expert is working on this class X maths answer. We will update the answer very soon.
Jayesh Vashishtha
askIITians Faculty 1450 Points
2 years ago
Dear student,
Granulocytes are phagocytes, that is they are able to ingest foreign cells such as bacteria, viruses and other parasites. Granulocytes are so called because these cells have granules of enzymes which help to digest the invading microbes. ... Neutrophils are by far the most prevalent of these cells.
team Askiitians

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