Flag 9 grade science> what is the difference between P=hdg and ...
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what is the difference between P=hdg and P=vdg.
when and where should we use both of them.are the both same?

Arun , 8 Years ago
Grade 9
anser 2 Answers
Umakant biswal

Last Activity: 8 Years ago

@ arun 
both formula are nearly same , both defines the formula for buyoncecy , the only thing that u need to understand is that 
we use h = pdg in the case of gas where volume expansion takes place , 
and we use p = hdg is the case of liquid expansion . 

shipra dixit

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

P=hdg..This is the pressure exerted by a liquid column. Here P is directly proportional to h and d and not proportional to g.If density of a liquid is increased and if h is increased then P will also increase.
P=vdg..we know upthrust=vpg
upthrust=mass*g( v*p=m)
upthrust is force by water on body in upward direction. in this case P= vpg

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