
A diver is able to cut through water in a swimming pool. Which property of matter does this observation show?

A diver is able to cut through water in a swimming pool. Which property of matter does this observation show?

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

Pawan Prajapati
askIITians Faculty 60787 Points
2 years ago
Our expert is working on this class X maths answer. We will update the answer very soon.
Jayesh Vashishtha
askIITians Faculty 1450 Points
2 years ago
Dear student,
A diver can cut through water in a swimming pool. The property of matter observed are: This shows that the particles of matter have spaces between them. The intermolecular forces of attraction between liquid particles are not very strong, hence the diver's force is enough to overcome these forces.
Team Askiitians

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