
Your mother advised you not to store pickle in aluminium foil.what could be the reason behind it

Your mother advised you not to store pickle in aluminium foil.what could be the reason behind it


5 Answers

Simran Vinaik
askIITians Faculty 1230 Points
4 years ago
The acid in pickle react withthe aluminium foiland liberate aluminium, which gets mixed withthe pickle.
Vikas TU
14149 Points
4 years ago
Dear student 
If it is stored in a metallic container, these acids will react with the metal & can cause harm to health. Another reason is that Pickles are destroyed due to fungal effects in the long term, this fungal effect can be minimized by sun light, storing them in a glass container makes it easy.
Hope this helps 
Good Luck 
30 Points
4 years ago
The pickle prepared contains acids . For eg:-lemon pickle contains citric acid . These acids react with aluminium and makes the food inedible.
908 Points
4 years ago
This is because of the fact that pickel is acidic in nature and aluminum is metal so it reacts with the acid and liberate hydrogen gas . Therefore formation of the holes in the vessel takes place.
Rudra Pandit
40 Points
4 years ago
pickles are acidic in nature. when acids react with metals they liberate hydrogen gas and form respective salts which makes it harmful to consume.hence we dont store pickles in containers made of aluminium

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