
Q1What is Adam's apple Q2 what is gland Q3how many types of gland pls tell the names Q4what is insulin Q 5 Development of sex organ

Q1What is Adam's apple 
Q2 what is gland 
Q3how many  types of gland pls tell the names
Q4what is insulin
Q 5 Development of sex organ 


1 Answers

Forum 1
askIITians Faculty 33 Points
one year ago
TheAdam’sappleisformed by a variety of cartilages working together in the throat to help you breathe and speak. Find out what you need to know about yourAdam’sapple.

In animals, aglandisa group of cells in an animal's body that synthesizes substances (such as hormones) for release into the bloodstream (endocrinegland) or into cavities inside the body or its outer surface (exocrinegland).

Insulin is a hormone made by the pancreas that allows your body to use sugar from carbohydrates for energy or to store forfuture use.

The reproductive organsdevelop from the intermediate mesoderm and are preceded by more primitive structures that are superseded before birth. These embryonic structures are the mesonephric ducts (also known as Wolffian ducts) and the paramesonephric ducts, (also known as Müllerian ducts).

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