
Mention against each of the following whether regular or diffused reflection will take place when a beam of light strikes. Justify your answer in each case. [NCERT] 1 Polished wooden table 2 Chalk powder 3 Cardboard surface 4 Marble floor with water spread over it 5 Mirror 6 Piece of paper

Mention against each of the following whether regular or diffused reflection will take place when a beam of light strikes. Justify your answer in each case. [NCERT]

1 Polished wooden table
2 Chalk powder
3 Cardboard surface
4 Marble floor with water spread over it
5 Mirror
6 Piece of paper

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Pawan Prajapati
askIITians Faculty 60787 Points
2 years ago
1 polished wooden table 2. chalk powder 3. cardboard surface and 4. marble floor with water spread over it and 5. mirror will show regular reflection. This happens because the surface is plane without any defects. 6.piece of paper show irregular reflection because the reflecting surface is not smooth. There are irregularities in the reflecting surface.

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