
If the surfaces of two objects are rubbed with each other, then which one will have positive charge and which one will have negative charge - how can I determine this?

If the surfaces of two objects are rubbed with each other, then which one will have positive charge and which one will have negative charge -  how  can I determine this?


3 Answers

Vikas TU
14149 Points
4 years ago
Dear student 
Because one of the objects acquires electrons from the other one so the one losing electrons will acquire a +e charge, And the one getting the electrons will acquire a -e charge. And because the number lost = the number gained the charges are equal and opposite.
Good Luck 
30 Points
4 years ago
You can differentiate between a positively charged body and a negatively charged through the help of electroscope. You can also refer to a triboelectric series, which is a list of known materials sorted by increasing negative charge. Rubber, for example, is lower on the list than wool, so stroking rubber with wool will reliably create a negative charge in the rubber.
908 Points
4 years ago
the surface which will have hishertendecy to lose electron will lose electron and other will accept
will help

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