
Fill in the blanks in the following statements. (a) To draw water from a well we have to ______ at the rope. (b) A charged body ______ an uncharged body towards it. (c) To move a loaded trolley we have to ______ it. (d) The north pole of a magnet _______ the north pole of another magnet.

Fill in the blanks in the following statements.
(a) To draw water from a well we have to ______ at the rope.
(b) A charged body ______ an uncharged body towards it.
(c) To move a loaded trolley we have to ______ it.
(d) The north pole of a magnet _______ the north pole of another magnet.

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Pawan Prajapati
askIITians Faculty 60787 Points
3 years ago
(a) pull (b) attracts (c) push (d) repels

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