Flag 8 grade science> describe the function of the cartilage ar...
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describe the function of the cartilage around the trachea

sham , 5 Years ago
Grade 7
anser 4 Answers
Paul Lexi McHughe

Last Activity: 5 Years ago

In the trachea, there rings which are known as tracheal rings. These tracheal rings are made of cartilage and are also called tracheal cartilages. The cartilage is strong but flexible tissue. It prevents the trachea from collapsing when the trachea moves when you breathe.

Vikas TU

Last Activity: 5 Years ago

Dear student 
The tracheal cartilages help support the trachea while still allowing it to move and flex during breathing
Hope this helps 
Good Luck 


Last Activity: 5 Years ago

In the trachea, or windpipe, there are tracheal rings, also known as trachealcartilages. Cartilage is strong but flexible tissue. The tracheal cartilages help support the trachea while still allowing it to move and flex during breathing


Last Activity: 4 Years ago

The rings of cartilage provide stability and help to prevent the trachea from collapsing and blocking off the airways. The trachea extends from the neck and divides into two main bronchi. Structurally similar to the trachea, the two primary bronchi are located inside the lungs

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