
How would you classify things like rubber, leather, milk, cotton and paper. Are they livivg or non-living?Why?

How would you classify things like rubber, leather, milk, cotton and paper. Are they livivg or non-living?Why? 


2 Answers

Saurabh Koranglekar
askIITians Faculty 10335 Points
5 years ago
Dear student

These things are non living as they themselves do not require food and water for survival nor they are able to reproduce

25750 Points
5 years ago
They are non-living because of the following reasons:
(i) The non-living thing does not need air, food or water.
(ii) Non-living things do not grow.
(iii) Non-living things do not respond to stimuli.
(iv) They do not respire.
(v) They do not reproduce.
(vi) Non-living things do not excrete

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