
Dicuss why wearing more layers of clothing during winter keeps us warmer than wearing just one thick piece of clothing

Dicuss why wearing more layers of clothing during winter keeps us warmer than wearing just one thick piece of clothing 

Grade:12th pass

2 Answers

25750 Points
4 years ago
During winters, we prefer wearing more layers of clothing than just one thick piece of clothing because air gets trapped in between the various clothing layers. Being apoor conductor of heat, air prevents heat loss from our body. Hence, layers of clothing keep us warmer than a single layer.
17 Points
4 years ago
during winter we prefer more layer of clothing or dark colour clothes because more layer of cloting absorb more heat and dark coloured clothes also which keep us warm in winter. wearin light coloured clotes in summer because it absorb less heat  so it is prefered that to wear light coloured clothes in summer...

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