
Why is blood needed by all the parts of a body?

Why is blood needed by all the parts of a body?

Grade:upto college level

12 Answers

Amit Saxena
35 Points
10 years ago

Blood is needed by all parts of the body as it is an important part of the transport system of our body. It performs the following important functions:

(i) It transports O2 from the lungs to all the body cells.

(ii) It carries CO2, a waste product back to the lungs so that it can be exhaled easily.

(iii) It transmits heat, thus regulating the body temperature.

(iv) It also fights off diseases and infections.

17 Points
6 years ago
Blood has three main functions: transport, protection and regulation.
Blood transports the following substances:
Gases, namely oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2), between the lungs and rest of the body
Nutrients from the digestive tract and storage sites to the rest of the body
Waste products to be detoxified or removed by the liver and kidneys
Hormones from the glands in which they are produced to their target cells
Heat to the skin so as to help regulate body temperature
Blood has several roles in inflammation:
Leukocytes, or white blood cells, destroy invading microorganisms and cancer cells
Antibodies and other proteins destroy pathogenic substances
Platelet factors initiate blood clotting and help minimise blood loss
Blood helps regulate:
pH by interacting with acids and bases
Water balance by transferring water to and from tissues
168 Points
6 years ago
It transports O2 from the lungs to all the body cells.
105 Points
6 years ago
All the parts of our body have cells which needs oxygen to survive and this oxygen is supplied to all parts of our body by blood.
11 Points
6 years ago
It carries oxygen to all parts of body , it carries carbon dioxide back to lungs , it carries digested food and nutrients to all parts of the body for absorbption , it contains platelets to clot wounds and prevent bacteria and blood loss , it transports undigested food or waste products for excretion , it fights against diseases and germs and because of it many processess can be fulfilled like digestion excretion respiration growth.etc
shivani dixit
27 Points
6 years ago
Siddharth Singh
100 Points
6 years ago
Blood is circulated in all parts of the body to transport O2 to all parts of the body.....and keeps the functions of various body parts in working condition
Scholr Boy
87 Points
6 years ago
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Blood is needed by all the parts of the body because:
(i)It carries oxygen to all the parts of the body and also carries carbon dioxide back to the lungs.
(ii) It carries digested food to various parts of the body for absorption.
(iii) It contains platelets which help in the clotting of blood.
(iv) It helps in maintaining constant body temperature.
(v) It transports hormones and help in fighting the body with germs and bacteria.
13 Points
5 years ago
Blood helps in transportation of various substances in the form of energy, blood helps in excretion of waste materials or blood helps in exchange of vatvari substances in the body.So,simply we say that blood needed by all the parts of the body.
Arsh Bhinder
13 Points
5 years ago
The role of the blood in our body: blood is a bodily fluid that deliveres necessary substances such as nutrients oxygen to the cells and transport metabolic waste products away from those same cells. 
Sayantan Garai
117 Points
5 years ago
Blood carries oxygen. Oxygen is required to carry on the respiration. So it is needed by all parts of our body.
Kushagra Madhukar
askIITians Faculty 628 Points
3 years ago
Dear student,
Please find the answer to your question.
Blood has three main functions: transport, protection and regulation.
Blood transports the following substances:
Gases, namely oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2), between the lungs and rest of the body
Nutrients from the digestive tract and storage sites to the rest of the body
Waste products to be detoxified or removed by the liver and kidneys.
Hormones from the glands in which they are produced to their target cells.
Heat to the skin so as to help regulate body temperature
Blood has several roles in inflammation: Leukocytes, or white blood cells, destroy invading microorganisms and cancer cells
Antibodies and other proteins destroy pathogenic substances
Platelet factors initiate blood clotting and help minimise blood loss
Blood helps regulate: pH by interacting with acids and bases
Water balance by transferring water to and from tissues
Thanks and regards,

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