
How will you help your neighbours in case cyclone approaches your village/town?

How will you help your neighbours in case cyclone approaches your village/town?


3 Answers

askIITians Faculty 33 Points
10 years ago
In case a village is stuck by a cyclone, we should immediately communicate about it to the emergency services of the government like police and medical centers. We should keep ample stock of food and clean drinking water make arrangement for shelter for ourselves and neighbors.
Thanks & Regards,
Dinesh Sajnani
AskIITians Faculty
15 Points
5 years ago
We can help each other and co- operate with each other.We should give emergency numbers to each other such as - police-100,ambulance-102
Badal Sah
24 Points
5 years ago
If there is a basement or underground area, quickly move to that area. No one will get hurt when staying underground.

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