
.13. The rear view mirror of a car is a plane mirror. A driver is reversing his car at a speed of 2 m/s. The driver sees in his rear mew mirror the image of a truck parked behind his car. The speed at which the image of the truck appears to approach the driver will be (i) 1 m/s (ii) 2 m/s (iii) 4 m/s {iv) 8 m/s

.13. The rear view mirror of a car is a plane mirror. A driver is reversing his car at a speed of 2 m/s. The driver sees in his rear mew mirror the image of a truck parked behind his car. The speed at which the image of the truck appears to approach the driver will be
(i) 1 m/s (ii) 2 m/s (iii) 4 m/s {iv) 8 m/s

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Pawan Prajapati
askIITians Faculty 60787 Points
3 years ago
Ans. (ii) 4 m/s

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