
State for each of the following whether it is due to evaporation or condensation: (a) Water drops appear on the outer surface of a glass containing cold water. (b) Steam rising from wet clothes while they are ironed. (c) Fog appearing on a cold winter morning. (d) Blackboard dries up after wiping it. (e) Steam rising from a hot girdle when water is sprinkled on it.

State for each of the following whether it is due to evaporation or condensation:

(a) Water drops appear on the outer surface of a glass containing cold water.

(b) Steam rising from wet clothes while they are ironed.

(c) Fog appearing on a cold winter morning.

(d) Blackboard dries up after wiping it.

(e) Steam rising from a hot girdle when water is sprinkled on it.

Grade:upto college level

2 Answers

askIITians Faculty 33 Points
10 years ago
a) Condensation
b) Evaporation
c) Condensation
d) Evaporation
e) Evaporation

Thanks & Regards,
Dinesh Sajnani
AskIITians Faculty

733 Points
9 years ago
a) Condensation
b) Evaporation
c) Condensation
d) Evaporation
e) Evaporation

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