
In which part of a flower, you are likely to find the ovary?

In which part of a flower, you are likely to find the ovary?


13 Answers

Jitender Pal
askIITians Faculty 365 Points
10 years ago

Pistil is the part of the flower that contains the ovary.

351_88604_Image 1.jpg

The structure of a pistil showing all its parts

733 Points
9 years ago
ovary is found in `pistil part of flower.
Kalyani Jayachandran Menon
217 Points
9 years ago
Ovary is the female reproductive organ.
jahanavi singh
23 Points
7 years ago
ovary is found in the pistil part and is reproductive organ of a plant .OK please approve it so deal done
Ritika Das
105 Points
7 years ago
The ovary of a flower is usually found in the female reproductive part called pistil. China Rose has both the male and female parts in a single flower.
111 Points
6 years ago
The Ovary is present in the female reproductive part which is known as pistil. Pistil has three parts Stigma , Style , Ovary
39 Points
6 years ago
Ovary is the female reproductive part of plant s it is found in piston the middle part of plant s.....................
shivani dixit
27 Points
6 years ago
Akachdeep Medhi
89 Points
6 years ago
Ovary is found in Pistil(Female Reproductive Part) of the flower.
If you find the answer useful plz approve it.
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Varsha Shivanand K
56 Points
6 years ago
Pistil is the part in which ovary is found.  Pistil is the female reproductive part of the flower.  We can find ovules( tiny bead-like structures) inside the ovary. When a flower is pollinated, the ovary turns into a fruit and the ovules change into seeds.
Ludicrous Lunatic
53 Points
6 years ago
The ovary is the female part of the flower. It can be seen in the thalamus. It is the female reproductive part. Hope it helps.
Sai Soumya
99 Points
6 years ago
hey,ovary is found in the female reproductive part and that female part is called pistil .The ovary is very small and somewhat in the core of the flower .
Scholr Boy
87 Points
6 years ago
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Ovary is found in pistil part of flower.

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