
How will you separate sand and water from their mixture?

How will you separate sand and water from their mixture?


7 Answers

Kevin Nash
askIITians Faculty 332 Points
10 years ago

Sand is not soluble in water. Hence, the mixture of sand and water can be separated by two methods:

  1. Combination of sedimentation and decantation: As sand is insoluble and heavier than water, it settles down at the bottom of the container containing the mixture. This process is called sedimentation. After the process of sedimentation is complete, water is slowly transferred to another container and sand remains in the original container. This process is called decantation.
  2. Filtration: the mixture is poured on a strainer or a piece of cloth or a filter paper so that the water goes through the strainer and the sand remains on the strainer.
733 Points
9 years ago
The mixture of sand and water can be separated by sedimentation and decantation
111 Points
6 years ago
Mixture of sand and water can be separated by the process of sedimenataion and decantation.
First the mixture is allowed to stand undisturbed.
The heavier sand will settle down then the clear liquid is transferred to another beaker carefully without disturbing the sediment.
praveen kumar
144 Points
6 years ago
we can divide the mixture of sand and water by the process of filtration.
we can use some net which has microns lenght holes to seperate.
thank you.
70 Points
6 years ago
We can separate sand and water by sedimentation and also by filtration method. In filtration we can use filter paoer
111 Points
6 years ago
Mixture of sand and water can be separated by the process of sedimenataion and decantation.
First the mixture is allowed to stand undisturbed.
The heavier sand will settle down then the clear liquid is transferred to another beaker carefully without disturbing the sediment.
Sayantan Garai
117 Points
5 years ago
It can be separated through the process of sedimentation. At first they are mixed. Next, a mixture is formed known as Suspension. The sand particles are then separated by the effect of gravity.

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