
Why do GOLD , Platinum, aluminium and zinc not corrode in moist air?

Why do GOLD , Platinum, aluminium and zinc not corrode in moist air?


3 Answers

Arun Kumar IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 256 Points
10 years ago
Because they are inert to the envioronment

Arun Kumar IIT Delhi
askIITians Faculty 256 Points
10 years ago
Because they are inert to envioronment

Arun Kumar
IIT Delhi
Askiitians Faculty
Yugabrat Gogoi
47 Points
9 years ago
because in the reactivity series of metals gold and platinum the least reactive matels. Although aluminium and zinc are 5th and 6th in the reactive series they dont corrode because they are not effected by the moisture.

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