
Many international treaties and protocols have been developed and signed by different countries to reduce production of greenhouse gases and environment pollution. A treaty/protocol to reduce C02 emission was (a) Montreal protocol (1987) (b) Kyoto protocol (1997) (c) Helesinki declaration (1989) (d) None of the above

Many international treaties and protocols have been developed and signed by different countries to reduce production of greenhouse gases and environment pollution. A treaty/protocol to reduce C02 emission was
(a) Montreal protocol (1987)
(b) Kyoto protocol (1997)
(c) Helesinki declaration (1989)
(d) None of the above

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Pawan Prajapati
askIITians Faculty 60787 Points
3 years ago
(b) The Kyoto protocol was signed by various countries pledging to regulate the emissions of CO2. India signed this protocol in Aug. 2002 and has reduced its CO2 emission by 5.2% till now.

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