
How much to study and how much to sleep of 12 hrs remaining of a day (as coachings constitute 12 hrs a day) as I am in class 10 preparing for jee 2018

How much to study and how much to sleep of 12 hrs remaining of a day (as coachings constitute 12 hrs a day) as I am in class 10 preparing for jee 2018


3 Answers

Vijay Mukati
askIITians Faculty 2590 Points
9 years ago
Three hours of regular self study for JEE in sufficent. And on holidays you can solve many problems to cover that topics upto the advanced level.
Prajwal Kavad
603 Points
9 years ago
dont care of hours , just prepare whenever there is time and revise everything on the same day
Kalyani Jayachandran Menon
217 Points
9 years ago
Focus on smart work rather than hard work. It is more rewarding.

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