
a 20V battery of internal resistance 1 ohm is connected to three coils of 12 ohm,6 ohm,and 4 ohm in parallel,a resistor of 5 ohm and a reversed battery (emf 8 V and internal resistance 2 ohm) . calculate the current in each resistor and tje terminal potential difference across each battery

a 20V battery of internal resistance 1 ohm is connected to three coils of 12 ohm,6 ohm,and 4 ohm in parallel,a resistor of 5 ohm and a reversed battery (emf 8 V and internal resistance 2 ohm) . calculate the current in each resistor and tje terminal potential difference across each battery

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

askIITians Faculty 2095 Points
6 years ago
The circuit looks like the one shown above.

The equivalent resistance of the parallel combination is\dfrac{1}{R'}=\dfrac{1}{12}+\dfrac{1}{6}+\dfrac{1}{4}
\implies R'=2\Omega

The current given out of the battery is\dfrac{20-8}{1+2+5+2}A=1.2A
Terminal potential difference across 20V battery=20-ir_1

Terminal potential difference across 8V battery=8+ir_2

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