Flag 10 grade maths> what is undefined.zero? 0/0=undefined so ...
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what is undefined.zero?
so undefined.0=0/0*0=undefined
but anything * 0 must be 0

Sandeep Mishra , 8 Years ago
Grade 10
anser 2 Answers
Vikas TU

Last Activity: 7 Years ago

 0/0 is called the indeterminant form that is undefined and wherever this condition occurs there is a method to solve this type of partuclar form.
The one method to solve this is that differentiate both numerator and denominator and put the mimit x value 0 or whatever the vale at which it is becoming the 0/0 indetrminant form.


Last Activity: 7 Years ago

0/0 is called the indeterminant form that is undefined and wherever this condition occurs there is a method to solve this type of partuclar form.
The one method to solve this is that differentiate both numerator and denominator and put the mimit x value 0 or whatever the vale at which it is becoming the 0/0 indetrminant form.

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