
What are all the things one should keep in mind after failing in one subject(say math) in 10th cbse board exam? Will he be able to get admission in 11 th if he passes the compartmental exam? how many classes will he miss from school since compartmental exams result is declared ~3 months after the board exam? will he get admission in the same school? what if not? how will this affect other things?

What are all the things one should keep in mind after failing in one subject(say math) in 10th cbse board exam?
Will he be able to get admission in 11th if he passes the compartmental exam?
how many classes will he miss from school since compartmental exams result is declared ~3 months after the board exam?
will he get admission in the same school? what if not?
how will this affect other things?


1 Answers

Vijay Mukati
askIITians Faculty 2590 Points
8 years ago
He can take admission in 11thafter pasing the exam. No. of classes missed depends upon the date of compartment exam. This will not affect much.


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