
In a particular country the value of diamond is directly propotional to the surface area(exposed) of the diamond. four thieves steel a cubical diamond piece and then divide equally in four parts. What is the maximum percentage increase in the value of diamond after cutting it? (A) 50% (b)66.66% (c)100% (d)none

In a particular country the value of diamond is directly propotional to the surface area(exposed) of the diamond. four thieves steel a cubical diamond piece and then divide equally in four parts. What is the maximum percentage increase in the value of diamond after cutting it?
(A) 50% (b)66.66% (c)100% (d)none


1 Answers

Sourabh Singh IIT Patna
askIITians Faculty 2104 Points
8 years ago
Eachside will be reduced to half . So total will be 4* 6*l2 /4 and you have 4 such boxes.
So in totality there will be no change

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