
At Srinagar temperature was -5°C on Monday and then it dropped by 2°C on Tuesday. What was the temperature of Srinagar on Tuesday? On Wednesday, it rose by 4°C. What was the temperature on this day?

At Srinagar temperature was -5°C on Monday and then it dropped by 2°C on Tuesday. What was the temperature of Srinagar on Tuesday? On Wednesday, it rose by 4°C. What was the temperature on this day?

Grade:12th pass

1 Answers

Pawan Prajapati
askIITians Faculty 60787 Points
3 years ago
Initial temperature of Srinagar on Monday = -5°C Temperature on Tuesday = -5°C – 2°C = -7°C Temperature was increased by 4°C on Wednesday. ∴ Temperature on Wednesday = -7°C + 4°C = -3°C Hence, the required temperature on Tuesday = -7°C and the temperature on Wednesday = -3°C

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