
what is the relative lowering of a vapour pressure of 26% solution of a non-volatile solute of molecular mass 52 in diethyle ether

what is the relative lowering of a vapour pressure of 26% solution of a non-volatile solute of molecular mass 52 in diethyle ether


1 Answers

571 Points
8 years ago
relative lowering of vapour pressure is equal to mole fraction of the non volatile solute.
Here a 26% solution is present therefore 26gm of solute in 100gm solution therefore 100-26 = 74gm of diethyl ehter. calculate the moles of each, then mole fraction will be given as
\chisolute= Nsolute/ Nsolute + Nsolvent
. where N is the number of moles and this calculated mole fraction is equal to relative lowerinng of vapour pressure.
please approve if you like the answer and feel free to ask any doubt :)

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