
what is dative bond ? why it is required and how does it make the molecule stable

what is dative bond ? why it is required and how does it make the molecule stable 


2 Answers

Jayesh Vashishtha
askIITians Faculty 1450 Points
2 years ago
A covalent bond forms when two atoms share electrons. The electron pair is attracted to both atomic nuclei, holding them together to form a bond. In a typical covalent bond, each atom supplies an electron to form the bond. A dative bond is acovalent bondbetween twoatomswhere one of the atoms provides bothelectronsthat form thebond. A dative bond is also known as a dipolar bond or coordinate bond.

Team askiitian
Navneet jha
63 Points
2 years ago
A dative bond is a 2-center, 2-electron covalent bond in which both electrons come from the same atom. They are also called a coordinate covalent bond or a coordinate bond. They are common when metal ions bind to ligands

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