
a metallic sphere of radius R is kept in the path of a parallel beam of light of intensity I.the force exerted by beam on the sphere (where c=velocity of light & metallic sphere absorbed all light.

a metallic sphere of radius R is kept in the path of a parallel beam of light of intensity I.the force exerted by beam on the sphere (where c=velocity of light & metallic sphere absorbed all light.



1 Answers

Aman Bansal
592 Points
13 years ago

dear sushant raj,

momentum p= u/c, u=energy & c= velocity of light,

 I= U/A , a= area

for the sake of simplicity we are taking area A to be  ΠR2

therefore u= I*A=I*pi *R2

=> p = I*pi *R2/c

and f=dp/dt

considering that light strikes for a small time interval of delta t

therefore F= I*pi *R2/c*deltat

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